What is Voice of the Customer research and does your website need it?

Oct 4, 2024

A Voice of the Customer party
A Voice of the Customer party

Be honest: is your website speaking fluent blah-blah instead of connecting with new clients?

Take a look at your bounce rate (you can do this in Google Analytics), if your visitors are bouncing faster than you can say “We provide innovative solutions” it’s because they aren’t listening.

Or maybe your website is stuck attracting time-wasters and lowballers, instead of target clients who get your value and are ready to pay for it? 

Either way, you have a messaging problem.

Your visitors can’t see what makes you different…and that’s because you (or your copywriter) didn’t do any customer research when writing your website.

Voice of the Customer (VoC) research is one of the things I love most about being a website copywriter

I get to dive deep into what my clients’ audience actually thinks, needs and wants. The result? Websites that speak exactly to their target audience, instead of replicating a jargon-filled internal memo.

At this point, you’re probably wondering what VoC is.

Keep reading to find out why nailing your website’s VoC is the difference between attracting high-value leads and wondering why your email inbox is quieter than a Monday morning sales meeting.

The missing ingredient in your website copy isn’t a new font

Okay, so saying your website has a “messaging problem” is pretty vague.

What I mean is your website isn’t connecting with your people. 

It’s not making them sit up and say “yes, exactly, that’s what I need!”. 

And it should.

If you’re investing in an updated website to reflect your growth, expertise and so you can put your fancy new headshots somewhere…invest in VoC.

Without it, your copy probably sounds nice and grown up, but it doesn’t mean anything. 

And no, you can’t guess what your clients think. Client insights aren’t always useful.

Without VoC, your website becomes a guessing game. And you know what happens when you guess wrong? You struggle to scale and you keep attracting prospects who either lowball you, ghost you, or worse – take up your time without ever converting. 

Investing in VoC ensures your site connects with clients who actually value what you offer.

It helps you tap into your target audience’s real problems, solutions and desires…not what you’ve gathered from small talk. It has to go deeper than “they want to save money”.

Why do they want to save money? Specifically on what? What kind of language do they use to refer to you and your services?

Collecting data through VoC is how you avoid getting trapped in vague, one-size-fits-all language that could belong to any consultant with a LinkedIn profile.

The process includes collecting the opinions and feedback of your past clients through interviews, surveys and reviews so you can market better to future clients.

It puts your clients’ exact words into your copy, so your site reads like a conversation with someone who gets them, instead of a pitch from someone selling to them. 

Top 5 website issues VoC research can fix

  1. Misaligned value proposition

Your site talks about features, when what clients really care about is how it helps them. VoC research exposes exactly which benefits make prospects sit up and pay attention, so you can reframe your value proposition from “We offer XYZ” to “Here’s how we solve your problem.”

2.    Vague copy

Is your copy “professional” but lacking specificity? With VoC insights, you can ditch the vague fluff and speak directly to your audience’s needs, frustrations, and desires in their own words. Then use supporting stats and case studies to build trust.

3.    Poor SEO optimisation

You might be optimising for jargon-laden keywords that sound impressive, but aren’t what your clients type into Google. Or you’re not targeting any keywords. VoC research can help uncover actual phrases your audience uses to find services like yours, so you can rank for terms people search for, not the ones your industry likes to use.

4.    Lack of social proof

Hot top: you can collect testimonials and VoC research at the same time. Talking to your customers in depth helps you avoid generic quotes like “It was great!” and helps you decide which specific, results-focused testimonials you should spotlight. 

5.    Weak calls-to-action (CTAs)

You shouldn’t be relying on “Contact us” or “Get in touch”. VoC research reveals what motivates your audience to act, helping you craft CTAs that are impossible to ignore – like “Ready to boost your bottom line by 25% this year? Let’s talk.”

What does Voice of the Customer research involve?

By now, you know VoC means more than getting a polite feedback email or vague praise. 

Having worked with numerous consultants across various industries, I’ve seen firsthand how investing in VoC turns vague, underwhelming messaging into client-attracting copy that filters out wrong-fit leads.

When I dive into VoC, I’m not just jotting down compliments. I’m hunting for juicy, unfiltered insights, phrases and specific language, why the client hired the consultant, what was really going on in their business and if there were any hesitations.

There are two phases: discovery, then analysis. 

Discovery can involve:

  • Detailed surveys and feedback forms to get a pulse on broader trends, frustrations and wish lists (SurveyMonkey is a cost effective option)

  • Customer interviews to reveal nuances and precise words 

  • Review mining and social media listening for unfiltered thoughts

  • Customer service data, live chat transcripts, sales team engagement.

Analysis is where the magic happens. This is where I dig into the data to spot patterns, find key phrases and zero in on what really matters to the target audience. 

Then I use those findings to fine-tune my clients’ messaging, so their website sounds like it’s speaking to their people, not at them.

FAQs: what every consultant needs to know about Voice of the Customer research

How long does Voice of the Customer research take?

Depends on how big your website is, your services and how mature your marketing is. Sometimes I interview two clients…other times it’s eight.

Typically, anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks for discovery and analysis. Some clients ask me to write up client case studies at the same time, or request the data as helpful insight for business strategy.

Trust me, it’s worth it – getting it right means your website resonates with higher value clients and drives enquiries.

How can I get started with limited resources?

Start small: send out a survey to past clients or dig into existing testimonials. But if you want it done right (and fast), that’s where I come in 😏 

Do I need VoC if I already know my clients well?

Short answer: yes. Because what clients tell you at the start of a meeting and what they really think are often worlds apart.

How does VoC impact SEO?

It helps you nail search intent. VoC reveals the actual keywords and phrases your clients use, making your content way more relevant to search engines…and more likely to rank.

It’s time your website matched your growth and expertise. If you’re ready to upgrade your site, get in touch to see if I can help. I’ll take care of the research, strategy and words, so you can focus on converting the leads.

Finally, a B2B marketing email you actually want to open.

No spam, ever. I promise.

Finally, a B2B marketing email you actually want to open.

No spam, ever. I promise.

Finally, a B2B marketing email you actually want to open.

No spam, ever. I promise.